Wednesday 31 July 2013

Food Facts! (Part1) ^_^

Hello dear readers! While I'm still researching about my upcoming recipe (talking as if its something big as cancer), I've come up with some fantastic food facts for you to enjoy while waiting for my new recipe to be on air maybe this coming weekend. :)

So lets start reading our first food fact~ :)

1. The carrot...

Have you wondered why am I talking about this? Do you really know carrots were actually PURPLE??? :) The modern day orange carrot wasn't cultivated until Dutch growers in the late 16th century took mutant strains of the purple carrot, including yellow and white carrots and gradually developed them in our current sweet, plump and orange variety that we have today.

Before this, pretty much all carrots were purple with mutated versions occasionally popping up including thee yellow and white carrots, among others. These, however were rarely cultivated due to typically being very thin and not very good tasting.

So much for the fact right??? Haha...

2. Why carbonated beverages are called as "Soft Drinks"?

I'm not sure about you guys and girls whether you've wondered about why these beverages are called as soft drinks... Because there was a time where my brain kept asking why do these drinks are called as "soft drink".

The term "soft drink" was classically referred to nearly all beverages that did not contain significant amount of alcohol (Hard drinks). The term is currently used to refer to these carbonated drinks thanks to advertising.

Beverage makers were having a very hard time once before since they had to make lots of advertisements since every region uses different terms to call these flavored beverages such as soda, pop, coke etc. To cut their costs, they've all agreed to use the term "soft drink".

Well that cuts a lot of money from wasting it just for the sake of advertising right? :)

3. The word for DINNER used to mean BREAKFAST...

Huh? What does this fact mean??? Haha. Let me explain it in detail. What's the definition of dinner that we use to know? A meal that we eat in the evening where it is the second last meal of the day (the last one is supper).


Do you know that the word DINNER itself came from a french word "disnar" which means BREAKFAST... Traditionally, dinner (breakfast) was the first meal of the day, eaten around noon. It also happen to be the biggest meal of the day, with a lighter meal coming later known as supper.

Eventually, more meals started to be added to the day with people eating meals before the large noon meal of dinner. Rather than calling these earlier meals that broke the fast by the word that means breakfast (dinner), the name "dinner" now stuck with the meaning of the largest meal of the day.

As time passed, in most cultures that use the word to describe their meal as the largest of the day, the meal was gradually moved to a later time of the day bit by bit until the its meal time is around the time where it was used to be known as SUPPER.

Pity 'dinner', well, not all things will work well as we wanted to right? Congrats to 'breakfast' for stealing 'dinner's place in the food history. :)

Well... That's all for this post's food facts... More facts coming up later, stay tuned, keep eating and keep eating!!! :)

Monday 29 July 2013

Mushroom SAUCE! :)

Hello hello hello!!! :) Well, on my last post, I've thought about how to fry the chicken for the Chicken Chop dish... I haven't teach about the sauce yet right??? So in this post, I'm going to show you some easy step by step guide to make the sauce~ :)

Mushroom Sauce...
  1. Some butter (a tablespoon might be enough)
  2. Sliced button mushroom (150 grams is enough...)
  3. Onion and garlic finely chopped (take 1 clove of garlic and 1/4 from a whole onion)
  4. 150 ml of heavy cream (also known as whipped cream)
  5. Seasonings to add flavor to the sauce (salt, pepper, etc.)

  1. Okay, heat your pan and melt the butter in it.
  2. Add sliced mushrooms and stir-fry until they are lightly browned, reduce heat to medium.
  3. Add cream, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Cook for about 5 to 8 minutes, stirring occasionally and watching that the cream doesn't over-boil.
  4. Once the sauce has reduced by half, add crushed garlic, if using, and cook for another minute.
  5. Add just a little amount of water if the sauce seems to be too thick to suite your taste~ :)
  6. Remove from heat and serve it with your homemade Chicken Chop... :)

So that's it... An easy step by step recipe to make Mushroom Sauce... :) I can't say that the recipe will work 100% on your first try but with a bit of practice, I'm sure you can make a very splendid sauce... :) Trust me, my first try was a not that good but sooner, it starts to taste and look better. :)

Sunday 28 July 2013

Chicken Chop? :)

Hello hello! :) Well i was quite blank for a while thinking "oh what should I post on my blog? oh mannn" and stuff then something came up to my mind... Why not posting about RECIPES!!! :)


So this is gonna be my first recipe ever posted 'on air'... Do correct any mistakes that I've made in the recipe since I'm not really a good cook... :3

Lets start with the most common WESTERN DISH~~~


  1. Boneless chicken (any amount that you like)
  2. Flour (As needed)
  3. Egg wash (As needed)
  4. Breadcrumbs (As needed)
  5. Salt and pepper (Just to add some flavor to the chicken)
Chicken in an egg wash
Chicken coated with breadcrumbs
  1. Okay the first step is simple. Just season the chicken with SOME salt and pepper. Just to make sure that the taste of the chicken is not that smelly when you eat... :3
  2. Then, prepare three stations for the BREADING of the chicken. There are three steps... the first one is to coat the chicken with flour (easy as ABC right?).
  3. Then, coat the floured chicken in an egg wash ( just beat some eggs in a plastic container will do the trick)
  4. Next, coat the 'egg washed' chicken with breadcrumbs... Coat it evenly so that the chicken will look great when it's done. :)
  5. The last part is, COOKING THE CHICKEN! :) Don't fry the chicken, DEEP FRY the chicken... Fry it for about a few minutes and voilla! The chicken is ready to be served... :)
Serve this fried chicken according to how you want it to be. Usually it's served with some black pepper sauce (will post the recipe in a few days time maybe) with some fries and coleslaw in the dish.

But if you're cooking for fun, you can decorate the dish as you wish. :)

Oh and one more thing! If you're in trouble buying some boneless chicken and you're up to some challenge, I suggest you do the DEBONING of the chicken... :)

SOOO~~~ That's it for my first simple recipe for the readers. Do try this at home, it's fun, delicious and you might be able to use the recipe to cook them for your family or even you loved ones... :) Hehehe..

Thanks and HAPPY COOKING! :)

Napkins... :)

Hello hello hello dear readers! Looks like we are on to our new lesson... NAPKIN FOLDING! :)

Now lets get into some fundamentals about napkin folding... It all started in Europe in the 1400's where napkins are used on tables of royalty. The napkins used are made from warm or even perfumed cloth.

Then at the beginning of the 1800's, napkins became part of the bourgeois lifestyle where these napkins are used to protect the expensive looking dresses of the period during meals. This is the era where napkin folding starts to take its role in dining.

From the old days, napkin folding is used for lots of purposes in dining. These napkins act as an item to decorate the table and make it look neat. It also acts as a protection for customer's clothes when they eat to avoid from food falling onto their clothes.

But in the industry, it's not really necessary to use napkins as a decoration on the table. We can use another method to replace these napkins which is to use serviettes (a type of disposable napkins, similar to tissues but thicker and more economical). These serviettes can be shaped as napkins too and can be disposed right after it's been used rather than having to send it to the laundry.

So, now lets see some types of napkins that are used in the industry...

Bishop Hat

Rose Bud



Artichoke/Water Lily


Candle Fan Goblet


Well these are some of the folds that we can do to decorate the table and we can either place the napkins in the goblet, on the plate or even on the table depending on how the table is going to be designed.

I've provided some simple napkin folding tutorials demonstrated from my group members at college... Do enjoy... :)

Well Hello!!! :)

Holla2! Welcome to my brand new blog~ Cuisinier Maniaque :)

Before we go deeper into my adventures, let me introduce myself, my name is Mohammad Syahmi Bin Kamaruddin. There are many nicknames that was given to me, you can choose from this wide range of list if you want to...

  1. Mie (got it since its the easiest way for my friends to address me)
Haha! There goes the so called wide range of list... :p I'm from Penang, Malaysia but currently studying in Johor taking Diploma in Hotel and Catering Management. What's it all about? Well, it's something like Culinary Arts but its more general, more to learning the whole thing about the hospitality industry.

I'm not really a blog writer but I do have a desire to be one. Well, practice makes perfect right? So why not trying my best to be what i want to be. But still, I'm sorry if this post is boring and stuff. If there's anything that i can learn do teach me yawww... :)

Huh what? My hobbies? Errr... Let's see... Hmmm... :/ Let's make A photo gallery shall we?



So these are some of my favorites. There's still more that I can list in the post but I think it will take forever for me to really finish my freaking long list. Haha~ :)

So that's enough for my short introduction, hope that you'll enjoy my upcoming posts, all filled with fun facts about what my life is all about. :) Thanks... ^_^