Wednesday 31 July 2013

Food Facts! (Part1) ^_^

Hello dear readers! While I'm still researching about my upcoming recipe (talking as if its something big as cancer), I've come up with some fantastic food facts for you to enjoy while waiting for my new recipe to be on air maybe this coming weekend. :)

So lets start reading our first food fact~ :)

1. The carrot...

Have you wondered why am I talking about this? Do you really know carrots were actually PURPLE??? :) The modern day orange carrot wasn't cultivated until Dutch growers in the late 16th century took mutant strains of the purple carrot, including yellow and white carrots and gradually developed them in our current sweet, plump and orange variety that we have today.

Before this, pretty much all carrots were purple with mutated versions occasionally popping up including thee yellow and white carrots, among others. These, however were rarely cultivated due to typically being very thin and not very good tasting.

So much for the fact right??? Haha...

2. Why carbonated beverages are called as "Soft Drinks"?

I'm not sure about you guys and girls whether you've wondered about why these beverages are called as soft drinks... Because there was a time where my brain kept asking why do these drinks are called as "soft drink".

The term "soft drink" was classically referred to nearly all beverages that did not contain significant amount of alcohol (Hard drinks). The term is currently used to refer to these carbonated drinks thanks to advertising.

Beverage makers were having a very hard time once before since they had to make lots of advertisements since every region uses different terms to call these flavored beverages such as soda, pop, coke etc. To cut their costs, they've all agreed to use the term "soft drink".

Well that cuts a lot of money from wasting it just for the sake of advertising right? :)

3. The word for DINNER used to mean BREAKFAST...

Huh? What does this fact mean??? Haha. Let me explain it in detail. What's the definition of dinner that we use to know? A meal that we eat in the evening where it is the second last meal of the day (the last one is supper).


Do you know that the word DINNER itself came from a french word "disnar" which means BREAKFAST... Traditionally, dinner (breakfast) was the first meal of the day, eaten around noon. It also happen to be the biggest meal of the day, with a lighter meal coming later known as supper.

Eventually, more meals started to be added to the day with people eating meals before the large noon meal of dinner. Rather than calling these earlier meals that broke the fast by the word that means breakfast (dinner), the name "dinner" now stuck with the meaning of the largest meal of the day.

As time passed, in most cultures that use the word to describe their meal as the largest of the day, the meal was gradually moved to a later time of the day bit by bit until the its meal time is around the time where it was used to be known as SUPPER.

Pity 'dinner', well, not all things will work well as we wanted to right? Congrats to 'breakfast' for stealing 'dinner's place in the food history. :)

Well... That's all for this post's food facts... More facts coming up later, stay tuned, keep eating and keep eating!!! :)

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